Website Redesign

About Website Redesign

Website Redesign Service

A Re-Design All Can Afford!

What is Website Redesign?

10 Reasons – Why you would need one-

A website redesign is a comprehensive process that involves upgrading content, updating layouts, and optimizing navigation to increase conversions and improve site performance.

Your website serves as your company’s public image and serves as the foundation for your online identity. The back end and the front end are the two parts of a website. The back end, or code, is responsible for its functionality, whereas the frontend is responsible for its appearance. 

The reworking of any (or both) of these two sections is a website redesign.

The reason for redesigning depends on the marketing goals of your business. It includes rebranding, increases traffic, generates more leads, and adds more functionality to the user experience. 

Why do you need a Website Redesign?

1. Your Site Loading Speed Is Really Slow

Your website is loading slowly in the region of 3 seconds and above. As speed is an essential factor to determine when measuring bounce rate for a mobile web page, you need to make sure that you optimize the site for speed.

  • Google takes page speed loading as a important factor in ranking a page. (sources – according to Google Page Speed Ranking Factor)
  • Any page taking longer than 5 seconds to fully load increases someone leaving your site by 90%.
  • 8 out of 10 people will not return to a “slow” site.
  • A 1-second delay in web page speed can decrease conversions by as much as 7%.

When a new product or service line is introduced, it always requires a redesign to suit the new features and functionalities. Companies do this for several reasons, including rebranding or repositioning themselves in the market.

It will necessitate a cooperative process, including a developer and a designer.

It matters not how attractive your website design is if no one sees it. You must optimize your site for search to increase visitors.

Making blogging a part of your content strategy is a terrific way to do this. A blog on a website has a 434 per cent higher probability of being listed highly in search engines.

You will need to undertake keyword research to identify what terms and phrases people use in their search engine queries and then incorporate them in your titles, headers, body copy, meta descriptions, and URLs while building your blog approach.

Your website must be simple to use, understand, and navigate for both your visitors on the front end and your marketing staff on the back end.

You will probably need to add additional functionality to your site as your traffic and team development satisfy the changing expectations and demands of both visitors and back-end users. You see the need to add live chat to your site, manage multilingual content, or run A/B tests straight from your dashboard, for example.

Another solid and apparent reason to consider a website redesign is to enhance your brand.

You may have modified:

  • The company logo 
  • The color palette 
  • The imagery 
  • The tone of voice 
  • The content 
  • The brand messaging, and so on.

You must revamp your website to reflect any significant brand changes and maintain a consistent look and feel.

After all, you undoubtedly already know that your website is the hub of your company’s digital presence, and it has a significant impact on your brand and how people perceive it. Consistency across all marketing platforms and customer touchpoints can help you become instantly known (including your website).

It is critical to maintaining a uniform appearance and experience across your entire website. When a visitor clicks on a link on your homepage and is forwarded to a page that appears completely different, they may be confused or perhaps concerned that they have been redirected to a malicious page. Visitors can be frustrated by even slight discrepancies, such as distinct navigation menus on different sites.

If your site has increased in popularity over the last few years, it may be time to assess and establish brand rules and styles to ensure a consistent look. It is choosing a color scheme, typefaces and font hierarchy, button styles, and iconography, among other things.

60% of organic search engine visits were done via mobile devices. As mobile search is so popular, search engines have designed their user interfaces to cater to it. When you Google something on your phone, you will notice that mobile-friendly pages first appear in the search results. 

You will need to ensure that your website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Some of the outdated user interface and features are as below:

  • Having a flash menu on your site is a natural killer for today’s standards. Flash menus are hard to apply changes, and it hurt your site SEO as a search engine cannot crawl a flash site.
  • Using stock photos as part of the design just will not cut it for your branding.
  • Image slider or a hero slider used to be the
  • top feature on any website homepage. Such sliders often slow down page loading speed and decrease user engagement on your site.
  • Having pop-ups on your website is super annoying to
  • your visitors. It will do more harm to your user experience than benefiting your sales.
  • With Google fonts being free and easily accessible, your options for using better typography on your website are limitless. It is time to change those stale typography on your site.
  • Nearly half of all internet viewings are done on mobile today. It is a massive chunk of traffic for your website. If your site design is not responsive, you could miss out on most mobile traffic to your website.

You know the saying that content is king. If you find it hard to update and post content on your website, it is time to redesign your site. 

WordPress is a great platform that is easy to create and update content. It is a blogging platform that allows you to create quality blogs and give significant value to your visitors. 

It is critical that your content appropriately communicates to your target market the benefits of your products and services. By giving relevant material, you demonstrate your company’s expertise, which helps to establish confidence. Your target market will be more ready to acquire your products and services if they trust you, which is the ultimate purpose of many websites.

Web design plays a vital aspect in making your eCommerce website profitable. 

Keep it simple is one of the most important things to remember during the eCommerce design process.

Having multiples elements cluttered on your site (colors, banner, ads, pop-up) will take away your site’s whole point of closing a sale.

On your eCommerce website, you do not need many frills; they only serve as a source of distraction. Keep your design clear, clean, and simple—and keep the focus on the sale.

Maintain a clear, clean, and basic design that focuses on selling

Get your website redesigned!

“Your dream of an optimized website that converts visitors to customers is just a step away with our website redesign services “.